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Author: Nigel Bankes Page 17 of 88

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

Another Manitoba Oil and Gas Lease Termination Decision

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Another Manitoba Oil and Gas Lease Termination Decision

Case Commented On: Fire Sky Energy Inc. v EverGro Energy Corporation, 2020 MBQB 133 (CanLII)

I am not sure what’s going on downstream of us these days, but we now have a third oil and gas lease termination case this year from “Friendly Manitoba.” I posted on the two earlier decisions here in April.

This one is fairly straightforward. EverGro held under a CAPL 88 MAN lease form with a three-year primary term commencing January 22, 2013 and filed a caveat to protect its interest. Fire Sky top leased the property on February 9, 2017 having formed the view that EverGro’s lease had expired. 

The AUC Rejects an Application for an Industrial System Designation

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: The AUC Rejects an Application for an Industrial System Designation

Decision Commented On: AUC Decision 25117-D01-2020, TA Kaybob 3 Generation Facility Inc. Generation Facilities Applications; SemCAMS Midstream ULC Industrial System Designation Application, Kaybob 3 Generation Facilities Project, September 25, 2020;

Discussion Paper Commented On: AUC, Self-supply and export – Alberta Utilities Commission discussion paper, June 5, 2020 (published July 29, 2020, AUC Bulletin 2020-28)

Under the terms of the Hydro and Electric Energy Act, RSA 2000, c H-16 (HEEA) and the Electric Utilities Act, SA 2003, c E-5.1 (EUA), the holder of an Industrial System Designation (ISD or IS designation) is entitled to meet its own electricity needs and export any surplus electricity to the grid. In other words, the holder of an ISD is exempt from the ‘must offer, must exchange’ rules of the EUA for any generation that it self-consumes (EUA, s117, and conditions included in ISD approvals). A principal advantage of the ISD for the holder is that the holder does not incur distribution and transmission tariffs for electricity that it consumes on site. As previously canvassed on ABlawg (see here), other exemptions from the power pool rules do exist, but these are smaller scale exemptions and recent decisions of the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC or Commission) (see AUC Decision 23418-D01-2019, EPCOR Water Services Inc., E.L. Smith Solar Power Plant, February 20, 2019 (EL Smith decision) and related decisions) have reduced the availability of one of these exemptions, thereby increasing interest in the ISD (see for example AUC Decision 24979-D01-2020, International Paper Canada Pulp Holdings ULC, Industrial System Designation and Permanent Connection Order for the Grande Prairie Pulp Mill Complex, January 10, 2020; and for a more general discussion see AUC, Self-supply and export – discussion paper).

MSA Announces Investigation into the Bidding Practices of the Balancing Pool

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: MSA Announces Investigation into the Bidding Practices of the Balancing Pool

Proceedings and Announcements Commented On: (1) MSA News Release, “MSA has issued a formal notice of investigation to the Balancing Pool related to offer strategies undertaken at PPA units”, September 2, 2020; and (2) AUC Decision 25809-D01-2020, Market Surveillance Administrator, Application to Make Public a Record that Identifies a Market Participant by Name, September 2, 2020

On September 2, 2020, the Market Surveillance Administrator (MSA) announced that it was initiating an investigation into the bidding practices of the Balancing Pool (BP) in relation to the remaining power purchase agreements (PPAs) for which it still has offer control. This follows an earlier MSA investigation into the BP’s bidding practices that resulted in a settlement agreement between the BP and the MSA that was ultimately approved (on the second go-around) by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). For the two AUC decisions see: AUC Decision 23828-D01-2019, Market Surveillance Administrator, Application for Approval of a Settlement Agreement Between the Market Surveillance Administrator and the Balancing Pool, August 1, 2019; and AUC Decision 23828-D02-2020, Market Surveillance Administrator, Application for Approval of a Revised Settlement Agreement Between the Market Surveillance Administrator and the Balancing Pool January 14, 2020. The settlement agreement itself, from October 1, 2019, is posted here (you will need a free AUC account to access).

Consent Provisions in Long-Term Relational Contracts

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Consent Provisions in Long-Term Relational Contracts

Case Commented On: Apache North Sea Ltd v Ineos FPS Ltd, [2020] EWHC 2081 (Comm)

The drafters of long-term relational contracts often have to deal with the uncertainties of future developments. One technique for doing so is to accord one party to the contract (A) a power to propose some development or other while affording to the other party (B) a power to withhold its consent to the development, but disciplining the consent power by stipulating that B cannot unreasonably withhold its consent. Such provisions have long been common in the landlord and tenant context but they are also common in other commercial contracts, including oil and gas contracts. For a recent Canadian example see IFP Technologies (Canada) Inc v EnCana Midstream and Marketing2017 ABCA 157 (CanLII) and my post on that decision here.

Court Confirms that Offshore Board Cannot Extend a Licence Term by Issuing a Replacement Licence

By: Nigel Bankes 

PDF Version: Court Confirms that Offshore Board Cannot Extend a Licence Term by Issuing a Replacement Licence

Case commented on: David Suzuki Foundation v Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, 2020 NLSC 94 (CanLII).

This decision involves the terms of the federal and provincial legislation implementing the Atlantic Accord: Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Act, SC 1987, Ch 3 (Federal Act), and Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Newfoundland and Labrador Act, RSNL 1990, c C-2 (Newfoundland Act) (collectively the Accord legislation). I commented on earlier proceedings in this litigation (David Suzuki Foundation v Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board2018 NLSC 146 (CanLII)) confirming the public interest standing of the applicant here. That earlier post also provides the factual background:

Corridor Resources Inc. (Corridor) received a nine year exploration licence (EL 1105) from the Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board (CNLOPB or Board) on January 15, 2008 under the terms of the Accord legislation. … As is customary, the EL was divided into two periods: Period I, five years and Period II, 4 years. In order to validate the licence for Period 2 Corridor had to commence the drilling of a well within the Period I and diligently drill through to completion. Corridor’s proposal to drill proved controversial and triggered a time-consuming environmental assessment procedure. In response to this Corridor applied for and was granted an extension to Period I but in the end it was not able to drill a well as required by the EL.

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