By: Dana Poscente
PDF Version: Latest Municipal Utility Appeal Decision by the AUC: Business as Usual
Decision Commented On: Village of Delia: Appeal of Utility Charges by Heide Peterson and Yvon Fournier, October 1, 2019, Alberta Utilities Commission Decision 24678-D01-2019
In this recent municipal utility appeal, Ms. Peterson and Mr. Fournier (the Appellants) requested that the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) disallow all water, sewer, garbage and land fill utility charges imposed by the Village of Delia, including interest, from the time at which they disconnected from municipal utility service to the time of this decision. The AUC found, pursuant to section 43 of the Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, c M-26 (MGA), that certain of the appealed charges were discriminatory and ordered Delia to repay them. This post describes the statutory scheme under which the Commission can hear and make orders on such appeals, summarizes the decision, and compares the reasoning and outcome to similar past decisions.