Category Archives: Energy

Alberta and British Columbia: How the constitution makes you best pals – Constitutional Perspectives

Presenter: Fenner Stewart (Professor, University of Calgary)

 PDF Version: Alberta and British Columbia: How the constitution makes you best pals – Constitutional Perspectives

Summarized By: Alexander Crisp, JD Candidate 2020, University of Calgary

Editor’s Note: This is the fifth in a series of blog posts that provides summaries of presentations from the ninth annual Energy Regulatory Forum, held in Calgary on May 28, 2018, as summarized by student attendees.

On May 28, Professor Stewart from the University of Calgary shared his views on Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX), and some of the constitutional tools that the British Columbia (BC), Alberta and federal governments have at their disposal to use on the project.

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Relevant Considerations in Approving Assignments Under the CCAA

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Relevant considerations in approving assignments under the CCAA

Case Commented On: Dundee Oil and Gas Limited (Re), 2018 ONSC 3678

As part of approving a plan of compromise or arrangement under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, RSC 1985, c. C-36, s.11.3 (CCAA), the Court on an “application by a debtor company and on notice to every party to an agreement and the monitor, … may make an order assigning the rights and obligations of the company under the agreement to any person who is specified by the court and agrees to the assignment.” Section 11.3(3) provides the following guidance to the Court in exercising this power:

(3) In deciding whether to make the order, the court is to consider, among other things,

(a) whether the monitor approved the proposed assignment;

(b) whether the person to whom the rights and obligations are to be assigned would be able to perform the obligations; and

(c) whether it would be appropriate to assign the rights and obligations to that person.

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Energy Regulatory Forum: A Discussion on Bill C-69 Part 1: Canada Energy Regulator: A rose by any other name – what does it do; how does it work?

Presenters: Dennis Langen, Partner, Stikeman Elliott LLP; Sheila Leggett, President, Tower Peak Consultants Ltd.

Summarized By: David Hillier, BSc EnvS, University of Calgary JD Candidate 2020

PDF Version: Energy Regulatory Forum: A Discussion on Bill C-69 Part 1: Canada Energy Regulator: A rose by any other name – what does it do; how does it work?

Editor’s Note: This is the fourth in a series of blog posts that provides summaries of presentations from the ninth annual Energy Regulatory Forum, held in Calgary on May 28, 2018, as summarized by student attendees.

The first presentation at the 2018 Energy Regulatory Forum compared and contrasted Bill C-69 and the incoming Canadian Energy Regulator (CER) regime with the current National Energy Board (NEB) regulatory regime it is intended to replace (for an earlier ABlawg on this topic, see here). What important differences should those in the energy industry be aware of? What are the potential issues with the new regime? Dennis Langen and Shelia Leggett provided a brief tour through the proposed legislation, highlighted some of its key features, and discussed the significance of these regulatory changes.

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Alberta Court follows Third Eye Capital v Dianor in a Royalty Characterization Case

By: Nigel Bankes

PDF Version: Alberta Court follows Third Eye Capital v Dianor in a Royalty Characterization Case

Case Commented On: Manitok Energy Inc (Re), 2018 ABQB 488 (CanLII)

In a welcome development Justice Karen Horner has followed the Ontario Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Third Eye Capital Corporation v Resources Dianor Inc.2018 ONCA 253 (CanLII) (the subject of a post here) and concluded that the royalty agreements at issue in this case were intended to create an interest in land and did in law create such an interest notwithstanding that the royalty was described as in interest in oil volumes once produced rather than as in interest in the minerals themselves.

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Energy Regulatory Forum: Agency Counsel Update

Presenters: Meighan G. LaCasse, Counsel, Alberta Energy Regulator; Katherine Murphy, Associate General Counsel, National Energy Board; JP Mousseau, Counsel, Alberta Utilities Commission

Summarized by: Aaron Johnson, Law Student, University of Alberta

PDF Version: Energy Regulatory Forum: Agency Counsel Update

Editor’s Note: This is the third in a series of blog posts that provides summaries of presentations from the ninth annual Energy Regulatory Forum, held in Calgary on May 28, 2018, as summarized by student attendees.

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