Category Archives: Energy

Public Interest Standing and a Statutory Right of Appeal

PDF version: Public Interest Standing and a Statutory Right of Appeal Case Considered: Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development v Alberta (Utilities Commission), 2011 ABCA 302 The Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development (“Pembina”) recently sought leave of the Alberta Court of … Continue reading

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Cleaning Up Coal

By: Astrid Kalkbrenner PDF Version: Cleaning Up Coal Regulations Commented On: Federal Draft Regulations “Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Coal-Fired Generation of Electricity Regulations” as of 27 August 2011 On 27 August 2011 the federal government published proposed regulations … Continue reading

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A single window for the permitting of energy projects in Alberta: who will look out for the chickens?

PDF version: A single window for the permitting of energy projects in Alberta: who will look out for the chickens?  Report commented on: Enhancing Assurance: Developing an integrated energy resources regulator, a discussion document, May 2011 In a discussion paper … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Energy, Environmental, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

The Supreme Court of Canada clarifies the role of administrative tribunals in discharging the duty to consult

PDF version: The Supreme Court of Canada clarifies the role of administrative tribunals in discharging the duty to consult  Case considered: Rio Tinto Alcan Inc. v. Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, 2010 SCC 43 In the 1950s British Columbia authorized Alcan … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law, Energy | 5 Comments

The Issues and Challenges with Public Participation in Energy and Natural Resources Development in Alberta

PDF version: The Issues and Challenges with Public Participation in Energy and Natural Resources Development in Alberta  Introduction Public participation is a key feature of energy and natural resources development in Alberta. The provincial government often expresses its desire for … Continue reading

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