Category Archives: Energy

Well Abandonment and Reclamation in Ontario

By: Nigel Bankes Decisions Commented On: Bilodeau v Her Majesty The Queen in the Right of Ontario, 2022 ONSC 1742 (CanLII) and 2022 ONSC 4275 (Costs Endorsement). PDF Version: Well Abandonment and Reclamation in Ontario Over the years ABlawg has … Continue reading

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The Rhetoric of Property and Immunity in the Majority Opinion in the Impact Assessment Reference

By: Nigel Bankes & Andrew Leach Opinion Commented On: Reference re Impact Assessment Act, 2022 ABCA 165 (CanLII). PDF Version: The Rhetoric of Property and Immunity in the Majority Opinion in the Impact Assessment Reference The Alberta Court of Appeal … Continue reading

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Carbon Tax Redux: A Majority of the Alberta Court of Appeal Opines that the Impact Assessment Act is Unconstitutional

By: Martin Olszynski Opinion Commented on: Reference re Impact Assessment Act, 2022 ABCA 165 (CanLII) PDF Version: Carbon Tax Redux: A Majority of the Alberta Court of Appeal Opines that the Impact Assessment Act is Unconstitutional On May 10, 2022, … Continue reading

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Procedural Fairness When Challenging Timeline Extensions for Freedom of Information Requests

By: Drew Yewchuk Decision Commented On: Re Energy, Order F2022-20, 2022 CanLII 29391 (AB OIPC) PDF Version: Procedural Fairness When Challenging Timeline Extensions For Freedom of Information Requests Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) Order F2022-20 shows how … Continue reading

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Is The Canadian Energy Centre A Department, Branch or Office of the Government of Alberta?

By: Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: Is The Canadian Energy Centre A Department, Branch or Office of the Government of Alberta? Decision Commented On: Re Canadian Energy Centre Ltd, Order F2022-16 (AB OIPC) The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) … Continue reading

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