Category Archives: Environmental

Water for Coal Developments: Where Will It Come From?

By: Nigel Bankes and Cheryl Bradley

 PDF Version: Water for Coal Developments: Where Will It Come From?

Matters Commented On: A Coal Development Policy for Alberta (1976, rescinded June 1, 2020); Oldman River Basin Water Allocation Order, Alta Reg 319/2003

The Government of Alberta (GoA) is hell-bent on facilitating the development of new coal mines in the Province. To that end, it purported to rescind the long-standing Coal Development Policy (CDP) of 1976 effective June 1, 2020. The CDP prevented development of coal resources in Category I lands on the eastern slopes of the Rockies and only permitted the development of new underground mines (rather than open-pit mines) in Category II lands (see Figure 1, below, also available here).

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Bill C-12, Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act: A Preliminary Review

By: David V. Wright

 PDF Version: Bill C-12, Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act: A Preliminary Review

Matter Commented On: Bill C-12, Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, 2nd Sess, 43rd Parl, 2020 (first reading 19 November 2020)

Just a few days ago, the federal government tabled Bill C-12, Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. This post provides a brief overview and preliminary reflections on the proposed law. Overall, the bill represents a significant milestone in Canadian climate policy, a realm that has been plagued by decades of setting-then-missing emission reduction targets. No previous federal government has so explicitly committed to a long-term emissions reduction pathway and milestones, let alone one with numerous accountability and transparency mechanisms. However, for reasons I discuss below, despite being characterized by the government as “binding”, the proposed law features a number of weaknesses and limitations. Further, while tabling this bill is a commendable step (especially if it becomes law), and is the result of many years of hard work and input from environmental organizations, it leaves difficult, long-standing conversations unaddressed.

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Canada and Alberta Agree to More Pie-In-The-Sky on Woodland Caribou

By: Shaun Fluker

PDF Version: Canada and Alberta Agree to More Pie-In-The-Sky on Woodland Caribou

Agreement Commented On: Agreement for the conservation and recovery of the Woodland Caribou in Alberta entered into by Canada and Alberta on October 19, 2020 (the “Canada-Alberta Agreement on Woodland Caribou”)

Decisions Commented On: Canada Energy Regulator Report – Nova Gas Transmission GH-003-2018 (February 2020) and Order-in-Council PC 2020-811 (19 October 2020)

On October 23, Alberta and Canada announced they had finalized an agreement under section 11 of the federal Species at Risk Act, SC 2002, c 29 (SARA) concerning the threatened woodland caribou in Alberta. As I predicted here several years ago, this agreement is the federal government’s response to Alberta’s failure to implement recovery measures and habitat protection for caribou in accordance with the SARA recovery strategy, which clearly documents the Alberta populations as the most at-risk of all the woodland caribou remaining in Canada. This comment examines the actual significance of this agreement for the protection of remaining caribou habitat in Alberta. The short answer is that the caribou would be wise to hold off on celebrating this announcement. This section 11 agreement is unlikely to amount to much, if anything, for them in terms of actual habitat protection on the ground. No one should be fooled by the applause from industry or the self-congratulatory remarks made by our politicians: this agreement is yet another shameful exercise by those who merely want to give the appearance of effective public policy on reversing the decline of woodland caribou populations in Canada. It will do nothing to change the steadfast reliance by regulators on ‘manage and mitigate’ measures – as demonstrated most recently by the Canada Energy Regulator in its Nova Gas Transmission Report GH-003-2018 – that have proven to be overwhelmingly ineffective.

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Revisions to the two-month-old Impact Assessment Act Climate Change Guidance… Already?

By: David V. Wright

PDF Version: Revisions to the two-month-old Impact Assessment Act Climate Change Guidance… Already?

Document Commented On: Impact Assessment Act, SC 2019, c 28 s 1; Environment and Climate Change Canada, Updated Strategic Assessment on Climate Change (Gatineau: ECCC, 2020)

Earlier this month, just two months after releasing the final Strategic Assessment on Climate Change (SACC), which is the principal guidance document for implementing the Impact Assessment Act (IAA) climate change provisions, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has issued an update. The reason behind this timing is unclear, particularly given that the explicitly stated term for review and update of the guidance is every five years (at 1.1). In any event, the update includes changes on three points, two of which introduce substantial shifts. This short post summarizes and comments on the changes, building on previous SACC posts here, here, and here.

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Climate Change in Federal Impact Assessment: An Early Look at Two Energy Projects

By: Niall Fink and David V. Wright

PDF Version: Climate Change in Federal Impact Assessment: An Early Look at Two Energy Projects

Documents Commented On: Impact Assessment Act, SC 2019, c 28 s 1; Environment and Climate Change Canada, Final Strategic Assessment on Climate Change (Gatineau: ECCC, 2020)

One year ago, the new Impact Assessment Act, SC 2019, c 28 s 1 (IAA) came into force. With project reviews now proceeding under the IAA, this is an opportune time to reflect on implementation of the new regime so far. This post focuses on one specific dimension: climate change. For the first time since the inception of federal environmental assessment, Canada’s federal project-level assessment statute explicitly requires decision-makers to consider a project’s effects on Canada’s ability to meet its climate change commitments (ss 22(1)(i) and 63(e)). The year has seen this requirement fleshed out through guidance published in the form of the Strategic Assessment of Climate Change (SACC) (see commentary by Professor Wright). This post examines how the new regime’s climate change requirements and guidance have been implemented in two major project-level assessments currently underway: the Suncor Base Mine Extension Project (Suncor Project) and the Gazoduq Project.

We examine the proponents’ submissions and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada’s (the Agency) process, and identify areas of uncertainty and concern. Overall, we find that the Agency has given proponents significant latitude to sidestep information requirements in preliminary stages of the assessment process. We also find early signals that the impact statement phase will not fully address concerns regarding downstream emissions nor ambiguity in determining a project’s impact on Canada’s ability to reduce emissions. While much remains to be seen in subsequent assessment stages, these weaknesses risk that implementation of the IAA becomes yet another instance of the “implementation gap” that has plagued environmental law for decades (see this article by law professor Dan Farber).

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