Category Archives: Oil & Gas

Supreme Court Broadly Interprets s. 99(1) of the National Energy Board Act

PDF version: Supreme Court Broadly Interprets s. 99(1) of the National Energy Board Act  Case considered: Smith v Alliance Pipeline Ltd., 2011 SCC 7 In Smith v Alliance Pipeline Ltd., 2011 SCC 7 (Smith) all nine judges of the Supreme … Continue reading

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The Court of Appeal confirms that the word “producible” does not mean actual production

PDF version: The Court of Appeal confirms that the word “producible” does not mean actual production  Case considered: Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd v Encana Corporation, 2011 ABCA 7 The Court of Appeal in a memorandum of judgement (Rowbotham, McDonald and Bielby … Continue reading

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Clarification of CBM Ownership on Freehold Lands in Alberta

PDF version: Clarification of CBM Ownership on Freehold Lands in Alberta Legislation commented on: Bill 26, Mines and Minerals (Coalbed Methane) Amendment Act, 2010, Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Third Session, 27th Legislature, 59 Elizabeth II One of the obstacles to … Continue reading

Posted in Oil & Gas, Property | 1 Comment

Injunction Denied in Oil and Gas Right of First Refusal Case

PDF version: Injunction denied in oil and gas right of first refusal case Case considered: NAL GP Ltd. v. BP Canada Energy Company, 2010 ABQB 626 NAL was the successor in interest to an agreement between BP and Spearpoint which … Continue reading

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What’s the Next Step when Shallow Rights Become Deep Rights?

PDF version: What’s the next step when shallow rights become deep rights? Cases considered: Talisman Energy Inc. v Energy Resources Conservation Board, 2010 ABCA 258; ERCB Decision 2009-050, Nexxtep Resources Ltd., Pool Delineation Application: Redesignation of the Lower Mannville C Pool … Continue reading

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