Category Archives: Oil & Gas

The End of Law: A New Framework for Analyzing Section 15(1) Charter Challenges

By: Jennifer Koshan and Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: The End of Law: A New Framework for Analyzing Section 15(1) Charter Challenges Case Commented On: Ermineskin Indian Band and Nation v Canada, 2009 SCC 9 After the Supreme Court of … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Constitutional, Oil & Gas, Supreme Court of Canada | 4 Comments

The Crown has neither the power nor the duty to invest Indian monies: The use of legislation to limit trust duties

Cases Considered: Ermineskin Indian Band and Nation v. Canada, 2009 SCC 9. PDF Version: The Crown has neither the power nor the duty to invest Indian monies: The use of legislation to limit trust duties The “money management” part of … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Constitutional, Oil & Gas, Supreme Court of Canada | 2 Comments

Co-Ownership is a Messy Business (Even with an Operating Agreement)

Cases Considered: San Juan Resources Inc (Re) 2009 ABQB 55 (Registrar in Bankruptcy). PDF Version: Co-ownership is a messy business (even with an operating agreement) Co-ownership is a legal relationship for parties who are able to get along together. For those … Continue reading

Posted in Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Oil & Gas, Property | Comments Off on Co-Ownership is a Messy Business (Even with an Operating Agreement)

The sky is falling, let’s blame the royalty review

PDF Version:  The sky is falling, let’s blame the royalty review I have lived in Alberta and this city for nearly thirty years. During the fall of 2007 I thought that we had the best public policy debate that I … Continue reading

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Adjudicating on waterflood enhanced recovery schemes: is it time for compulsory unitization in Alberta?

Cases Considered: Hunt Oil Company of Canada Inc: Applications to amend enhanced recovery scheme approval No. 10848 and Pool Delineation Kleskun and Puskwaskau Fields, December 23, 2008, ERCB Decision 2008-130, December 23, 2008. PDF Version:  Adjudicating on waterflood enhanced recovery … Continue reading

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