The Standard of Review and the Duty to Consult and Accommodate Indigenous Peoples: What is the Impact of Vavilov? Part 2

By: Howard Kislowicz and Robert Hamilton  PDF Version: The Standard of Review and the Duty to Consult and Accommodate Indigenous Peoples: What is the Impact of Vavilov? Part 2 Case Commented On: Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v Vavilov, 2019 SCC 65 (CanLII) In our last post, we laid out some background on how […]

More Justice for the Western Chorus Frog

By: Shaun Fluker PDF Version: More Justice for the Western Chorus Frog Case Commented On: Groupe Maison Candiac Inc. v Canada (Attorney General), 2018 FC 643 Groupe Candiac is another case of legal success for endangered species at the Federal Court, and the second victory for the endangered western chorus frog in Québec. Over the […]

Dunsmuir is Dead – Long Live Dunsmuir! An Argument for a Presumption of Correctness

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Dunsmuir is Dead – Long Live Dunsmuir! An Argument for a Presumption of Correctness Case Commented On: Garneau Community League v Edmonton (City), 2017 ABCA 374 (CanLII) Garneau is the latest judicial plea to the Supreme Court of Canada to do something about the standard of review – three judges, three […]