Rectification of Conservation Easement Agreements on the Basis of a Mistake in Integration: Underlying Principles

By: Evaristus Oshionebo PPF Version: Rectification of Conservation Easement Agreements on the Basis of a Mistake in Integration: Underlying Principles Case Commented on: Nature Conservancy of Canada v Waterton Land Trust Ltd, 2014 ABQB 303 This case raises a myriad of legal issues covering disparate areas of the law. For the purpose of this post, […]

The Justice Minister’s Take on Current Human Rights and Civil Liberties Issues in Alberta

PDF version: The Justice Minister’s Take on Current Human Rights and Civil Liberties Issues in Alberta On January 25, 2013, Alberta Justice Minister Jonathan Denis spoke to a crowd of about 50 people gathered by the Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership and the Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association. The audience included lawyers, educators, […]

First Nation treaty obligations should inform the interpretation of discretionary powers under the Species at Risk Act

PDF version: First Nation treaty obligations should inform the interpretation of discretionary powers under the Species at Risk Act  Case commented on: Adam v Canada (Environment), 2011 FC 962 Woodland caribou are listed as threatened under the Species at Risk Act, SC 2002, c 29 (SARA). The species (and particular herds of the species) are […]

The Full Implications of Demonstrable Integration: A Roundtable Discussion on West Moberley

PDF version: The Full Implications of Demonstrable Integration: A Roundtable Discussion on West Moberley Case considered: West Moberly First Nations v. British Columbia, 2011 BCCA 247 Summer at the law school provides faculty members with the opportunity to get on with some research and writing and, in particular, the larger projects that there isn’t the […]