Trinity Western University: Policing Gender and Requiring LGBTQI+ People to Pay for It

By: Saul Templeton PDF Version: Trinity Western University: Policing Gender and Requiring LGBTQI+ People to Pay for It This post is a follow-up to my previous post, Trinity Western University: Your Tax Dollars at Work. The first two parts respond to issues raised in the comments to that post. The first part explains my position […]

Trinity Western University: Your Tax Dollars at Work

By: Saul Templeton PDF Version: Trinity Western University: Your Tax Dollars at Work Case Commented On: Trinity Western University v Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society, 2015 NSSC 25 Trinity Western University (“TWU”) claims it is a private religious institution. This is the explanation offered by the courts for denying students, staff and faculty at TWU protection […]

Trinity Western… Again

By: Alice Woolley PDF Version: Trinity Western… Again I can’t stop thinking about the law society decisions on Trinity Western University (TWU). Part of the reason for that is the complexity and difficulty of the substantive issue raised by TWU’s proposed law school: the proper resolution of an irreducible conflict between equality rights and freedom […]

U of C and U of A Law Profs’ Submission to the Law Society of Alberta on Trinity Western University Law School

By Jennifer Koshan, Jonnette Watson Hamilton and Alice Woolley  PDF Version: U of C and U of A Law Profs’ Submission to the Law Society of Alberta on Trinity Western University Law School Commented on: Letter from members of the Faculties of Law at U of C and U of A to the Law Society […]