In Search of #BetterRules: An Overview of Federal Environmental Bills C-68 and C-69

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: In Search of #BetterRules: An Overview of Federal Environmental Bills C-68 and C-69 Legislation Commented On: An Act to amend the Fisheries Act and other Acts in consequence (Bill C-68) and An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act […]

Carbon Tax Redux: A Majority of the Alberta Court of Appeal Opines that the Impact Assessment Act is Unconstitutional

By: Martin Olszynski Opinion Commented on: Reference re Impact Assessment Act, 2022 ABCA 165 (CanLII) PDF Version: Carbon Tax Redux: A Majority of the Alberta Court of Appeal Opines that the Impact Assessment Act is Unconstitutional On May 10, 2022, the Alberta Court of Appeal released its lengthy and long-awaited opinion in Reference re Impact […]

Are Regional (and other) Assessments pursuant to the Impact Assessment Act Justiciable? Ecology Action Centre v Canada (Part 1)

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Are Regional (and other) Assessments pursuant to the Impact Assessment Act Justiciable? Ecology Action Centre v Canada (Part 1) Case Commented On: Ecology Action Centre v Canada (Environment and Climate Change), 2021 FC 1367 (CanLII) The applicants sought judicial review in Federal Court of the “Regional Assessment of Offshore Oil and […]

Beyond Carbon Pricing: An Assessment of the Major Parties’ Other Environmental Policies

By: Martin Olszynski and Sharon Mascher PDF Version: Beyond Carbon Pricing: An Assessment of the Major Parties’ Other Environmental Policies Matter Commented On: Secure the Future (Conservative Party of Canada); Forward, For Everyone (Liberal Party of Canada); Ready For Better (New Democratic Party); Be Daring (Green Party of Canada) Climate change is widely recognized as […]

Coal Law and Policy Part Five: What is the Role of the Federal Government in Relation to Alberta Coal Mines?

By: Drew Yewchuk PDF Version: Coal Law and Policy Part Five: What is the Role of the Federal Government in Relation to Alberta Coal Mines? Legislation Commented On: Impact Assessment Act, SC 2019, c 28, s 1; Species at Risk Act, SC 2002, c 29; Coal Mining Effluent Regulations (forthcoming) This is another installment in […]