Analytical Framework for Oppression Remedy under the Business Corporations Act

By: Evaristus Oshionebo PDF Version: Analytical Framework for Oppression Remedy under the Business Corporations Act Case Commented On: Patel v Chief Medical Supplies Ltd, 2015 ABQB 694 In Patel v Chief Medical Supplies Ltd., 2015 ABQB 694, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta was confronted with the issue of oppression of the interest of […]

Expensive, Complex Appeals from Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service Orders

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton      PDF Version: Expensive, Complex Appeals from Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service Orders Case Commented On: Nee v Ayre & Oxford Inc, 2015 ABQB 402 (CanLII) The decision by Justice Donald Lee in Nee v Ayre & Oxford Inc is one of several decisions that he has made dismissing tenants’ appeals of […]

Hate Speech and Human Rights in Alberta

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: Hate Speech and Human Rights in Alberta Motion commented on: Motion 502 (Alberta Legislative Assembly, March 17, 2014) It was a tumultuous time in the Alberta Legislature last week, culminating with the resignation of Alison Redford as Premier (for an excellent recap see Susan on The Soapbox).  And of course […]

More Uncertainty on the Test for Discrimination under Human Rights Legislation

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: More Uncertainty on the Test for Discrimination under Human Rights Legislation Case commented on: Bish v Elk Valley Coal Corporation, 2013 ABQB 756 I have written previous posts on ABlawg critiquing the influence of section 15 of the Charter in creating an overly onerous approach to the test for discrimination […]

The Justice Minister’s Take on Current Human Rights and Civil Liberties Issues in Alberta

PDF version: The Justice Minister’s Take on Current Human Rights and Civil Liberties Issues in Alberta On January 25, 2013, Alberta Justice Minister Jonathan Denis spoke to a crowd of about 50 people gathered by the Sheldon Chumir Foundation for Ethics in Leadership and the Rocky Mountain Civil Liberties Association. The audience included lawyers, educators, […]