Hate Speech and Human Rights in Alberta

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: Hate Speech and Human Rights in Alberta Motion commented on: Motion 502 (Alberta Legislative Assembly, March 17, 2014) It was a tumultuous time in the Alberta Legislature last week, culminating with the resignation of Alison Redford as Premier (for an excellent recap see Susan on The Soapbox).  And of course […]

Professional Bodies, Internationally Educated Graduates and the Alberta Human Rights Act

By: Jason Wai and Linda McKay-Panos PDF Version: Professional Bodies, Internationally Educated Graduates and the Alberta Human Rights Act Case commented on: Mihaly v The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta, 2014 AHRC 1 A recent Human Rights Tribunal decision about the actions of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists […]

ABlawg: Assessing Our Impact

PDF Version: ABlawg: Assessing Our Impact Our faculty is in the midst of a unit review, which assesses our performance on a number of measures including research productivity and impact, as well as teaching and learning. As part of that review, and as current ABlawg Coordinator, I was asked by Associate Dean Research Jonnette Watson […]

Supreme Court of Canada May Finally Clear up Issue of “Employment” in Human Rights Cases

PDF Version: Supreme Court of Canada May Finally Clear up Issue of “Employment” in Human Rights Cases Case commented on: Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP v British Columbia (Human Rights Tribunal) 2012 BCCA 313; leave to appeal granted, Michael McCormick v Fasken Martineau Dumoulin LLP, 2013 CanLII 11313 (SCC). I have written a number of posts […]

Condominiums, Caregivers and Human Rights

PDF version: Condominiums, Caregivers and Human Rights Case commented on: Condominium Plan No 9910225 v Davis, 2013 ABQB 49. Anyone who has seen the film Amour knows that caring for an ill and elderly loved one can be an impossibly demanding task, both physically and emotionally. Many families turn to live-in caregivers in these circumstances. […]