Where does legitimate religious expression end and hate speech begin?

PDF Version: Where does legitimate religious expression end and hate speech begin? Alan Hunsberger, a Wildrose candidate who ran for election for the provincial legislature in Alberta, believes the Edmonton Public School Board’s policy of adopting anti-bullying policies to protect gay and lesbian students is wrong. He says that to adopt such policies is “godless, […]

The Alberta Election and Human Rights

Document considered: Wildrose Platform on Justice, Policing and Human Rights PDF Version: The Alberta Election and Human Rights Several human rights issues have been raised in the Alberta election campaign to date. Perhaps most significantly, the Wildrose party’s platform on Justice, Policing and Human Rights proposes major changes to the Alberta Human Rights Act, RSA […]

Cost Decision from Canadian Human Rights Commission Case: Implications for Albertans

PDF version: Cost Decision from Canadian Human Rights Commission Case: Implications for Albertans  Decision considered: Canadian Human Rights Commission v Canada (AG), 2011 SCC 53 (“Mowat“) The Supreme Court of Canada’s (“SCC”) decision about costs in the Mowat case was released in October, and this will have significant ramifications in cases under the Canadian Human […]

Court upholds Alberta’s Hate Speech Law

Case considered: Boissoin v. Lund, 2009 ABQB 592 PDF version:  Court upholds Alberta’s Hate Speech Law Back in September, I predicted the failure of a constitutional challenge to Alberta’s hate speech law, section 3 of the Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. H-14 (HRCMA) (recently re-enacted as the Alberta Human Rights Act, […]