Environmental Laws as Decision-Making Processes (or, Why I am Grateful for Environmental Groups this Earth Day)

By: Martin Olszynski     PDF Version: Environmental Laws as Decision-Making Processes (or, Why I am Grateful for Environmental Groups this Earth Day)              Event commented on: Earth Day This past weekend, as part of the Canadian Institute for Resource Law’s “Saturday Morning at the Law School” series, I gave a free public lecture on the basic nature and […]

Whose (Pipe)line is it Anyway?

By: Martin Olszynski  PDF Version: Whose (Pipe)line is it Anyway? Document Commented On: Quebec’s Letter to TransCanada Corp. Imposing 7 Conditions on Energy East On November 18th, on the heels of a unanimous vote of non-confidence in the National Energy Board (NEB) by Quebec’s National Assembly, Quebec’s Environment Minister sent a letter to TransCanada outlining […]

Judicial Supervision of the National Energy Board (NEB): The Federal Court of Appeal Defers to the NEB on Key Decisions

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Judicial Supervision of the National Energy Board (NEB): The Federal Court of Appeal Defers to the NEB on Key Decisions Cases Commented On: Forest Ethics Advocacy Association and Donna Sinclair v National Energy Board, 2014 FCA 245; City of Vancouver v National Energy Board, and TransMountain Pipeline ULC, Order of […]