By: Hugh Benevides
Legislation Commented On: Bill C-69, An Act to enact the Impact Assessment Act and the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, to amend the Navigation Protection Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
Much debate has occurred in recent months about Bill C-69, the federal government’s attempt to make good on election promises to strengthen and restore public trust in environmental decision-making. (Martin Olszynski addressed some of the problematic claims last September; other ABlawg posts have looked at various aspects of the Bill). As further set out below, the critics and opponents of Bill C-69, which was referred to a Senate committee in December following Second Reading, refuse to acknowledge that the proposed Impact Assessment Act will give Canadians the chance to have greater input into proposals affecting their communities, and to better trust decisions about projects like mines, dams—and yes, pipelines. It promises to do so by ensuring that people who care about a proposed development can participate meaningfully in its assessment, with a view to more lasting environmental, economic, social and health benefits.