A challenge to help us get the word out about ABlawg

We began blogging three years ago in November 2007, and we need you to help us get the word out. We know that ABlawg has a broad readership within the legal profession, academia, the NGO sector, and the general public but we want more! Our goal is to double our number of subscribers by our official third anniversary in February 2011 (when ABlawg went “live”).

If you are already a subscriber, you will have automatically received notice of this post, but we have a challenge for you: tell five of your colleagues or friends about ABlawg and encourage them to become subscribers.

If you are reading this post and are not a subscriber, why not sign up? We’ve made it even easier to do so, either by email or by RSS feed. Just click on the links on the top right hand side of our homepage, or on our new “Subscribe” page. Subscribers receive notice of new blogs within 24 hours of posting on ABlawg. What could be better? Instant CLE! And those of you who are members of the legal profession, how about listing ABlawg as part of your continuing legal education declarations that you provide to the Law Society?

We also encourage our readers to submit responses to our posts by using the “Post a comment” function after each post. If you agree with our commentary, or especially if you have a different point of view, we want to hear from you!

As a bare bones operation, we offer no prizes, fame or glory for those of you who take on our challenge. But we do thank you for your readership and for your support.

One thought on “A challenge to help us get the word out about ABlawg

  1. Arlene K. Blake

    No prize necessary… I am a constant visitor to the blawg and take every opportunity to share its value with those I meet. This includes fellow lawyers, students that I teach, and others who will listen. Strangely I never thought about subscribing because I visit so often.

    Keep up the good work!!

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