Author Archives: Jennifer Koshan

About Jennifer Koshan

B.Sc., LL.B (Calgary), LL.M. (British Columbia). Professor. Member of the Alberta Bar. Please click here for more information.

Funding Restored for Court Challenges Language Rights Programs

In 2 previous posts (see here and here) I discussed the application of Gilles Caron for an interim costs order to fund his language rights claim against the Alberta government. This application was required in large part because of the cancellation … Continue reading

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Infidelity Does Not Necessarily Amount to Provocation

Cases Considered: R. v. Tran, 2008 ABCA 209 PDF Version:  Infidelity Does Not Necessarily Amount to Provocation Domestic violence remains a terrible problem in Canadian society, and Alberta has one of the highest rates in the country (Karen Mihorean, Family … Continue reading

Posted in Criminal, State Responses to Violence | 1 Comment

Disinterment of RCMP Officer may proceed despite parents’ wishes

Cases Considered: Johnston v. Alberta (Vital Statistics), 2008 ABCA 188 PDF Version: Disinterment of RCMP Officer may proceed despite parents’ wishes In a previous post, I reviewed a number of decisions of the Alberta courts relating to the disinterment of … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Family | 5 Comments

Leave to appeal refused by Supreme Court in Drug Testing Case

Cases Considered: Director of the Alberta Human Rights and Citzenship Commission, et al. v. Kellogg Brown & Root (Canada) Company, 2007 ABCA 426 In the May 29, 2008 version of his S.C.C. L@wletter Eugene Meehan reports that the Supreme Court … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Labour/Employment, Supreme Court of Canada | Comments Off on Leave to appeal refused by Supreme Court in Drug Testing Case

Leave to Intervene Denied to Insurance Co. in Appeal of Cap on Minor Injuries

Cases Considered: Pedersen v. Alberta, 2008 ABCA 192 PDF Version: Leave to Intervene Denied to Insurance Co. in Appeal of Cap on Minor Injuries As noted in a previous post, on February 8, 2008, Associate Chief Justice Neil Wittmann of … Continue reading

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