Author Archives: Jonnette Watson Hamilton

About Jonnette Watson Hamilton

B.A. (Alta.), LL.B. (Dal.), LL.M. (Col.). Professor Emerita. Please click here for more information.

Don’t Think Twice: The Residential Tenancies Dispute Resolution Board’s Power to Correct for Procedural Unfairness

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: Don’t Think Twice: The Residential Tenancies Dispute Resolution Board’s Power to Correct for Procedural Unfairness Case Commented On: Hewitt v Barlow, 2016 ABQB 81 (CanLII) It may be a good idea to accord the … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Landlord/Tenant | 5 Comments

“On Its Own Motion”: Section 23.1(1) Judicature Act

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: “On Its Own Motion”: Section 23.1(1) Judicature Act Case Commented On: Lymer v Jonsson, 2016 ABCA 32 (CanLII) This very short decision by the Alberta Court of Appeal made an easy, but very important, … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Procedure, Vexatious Litigants | Comments Off on “On Its Own Motion”: Section 23.1(1) Judicature Act

For Shame: An Obvious and Fundamental Breach of Natural Justice by the Residential Tenancies Dispute Resolution Service (RTDRS)

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: For Shame: An Obvious and Fundamental Breach of Natural Justice by the Residential Tenancies Dispute Resolution Service (RTDRS) Case Commented On: Kerr v Coulombe, 2016 ABQB 11 (CanLII) A tenant, Gary Kerr, showed up … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law, Landlord/Tenant | 1 Comment

Setting Aside Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service Orders for Problems with Service: It Can’t Be Done

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: Setting Aside Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service Orders for Problems with Service: It Can’t Be Done Case Commented On: Abougouche v Miller, 2015 ABQB 724 (CanLII) As the recently-appointed Master in Chambers, James R. … Continue reading

Posted in Landlord/Tenant | 3 Comments

The Residential Tenancies Act and Domestic Violence: Facilitating Flight?

By: Jennifer Koshan and Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: The Residential Tenancies Act and Domestic Violence: Facilitating Flight? Legislation Commented On: Bill 204: Residential Tenancies (Safer Spaces for Victims of Domestic Violence) Amendment Act, 2015 Bill 204, the Residential Tenancies … Continue reading

Posted in Landlord/Tenant, Property, State Responses to Violence | 4 Comments