PDF version: It’s Difficult to Disinherit Some Adult Children
Case considered: Soule v. Johansen Estate, 2011 ABQB 403
Alberta Justice has spent the past few years reviewing provincial succession laws and proposing reforms to consolidate and update the relevant provincial statutes. The result of the Alberta Succession Law Reform project was the passage of the new Wills and Succession Act, SA 2010, c W12.2 by the Alberta legislature in the fall of 2010 (Bill 21). However, because the changes are extensive, the new Wills and Succession Act will not come into force until it is proclaimed and proclamation is not expected until early 2012. It is interesting to consider whether or not the result in Soule v. Johansen Estate would have been any different under new law. In her will, Elsie Carrolle Johansen left all of her $116,000 estate to the Calgary Humane Society. She chose to disinherit her only son, Kim Soule, a 51 year old man suffering from hepatitis C, because she did not want her estate to be spent on drugs and alcohol. He asked the court to re-write his mother’s will under the Dependants Relief Act, RSA 2000, c D-10.5, because he is unable to earn a livelihood. Although Mr. Soule did not appear to be a sympathetic supplicant, he nevertheless prevailed. Justice Sheilah Martin rewrote his mother’s will to give all but $10,000 of his mother’s estate to Mr. Soule. Her main reason for doing so appears to be the predominantly pragmatic one of relieving taxpayers of the burden of Mr. Soule’s support.