Author Archives: Jonnette Watson Hamilton

About Jonnette Watson Hamilton

B.A. (Alta.), LL.B. (Dal.), LL.M. (Col.). Professor Emerita. Please click here for more information.

The Fraud Exception to Indefeasibility of Title: Applying Section 203 of the Land Titles Act

Cases Considered: Hall v. Tieken Estate, 2008 ABQB 646 PDF Version: The Fraud Exception to Indefeasibility of Title: Applying Section 203 of the Land Titles Act The land registration system used in Alberta is established by the Land Titles Act, … Continue reading

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A Windfall Inheritance from a Distant Relative: Daydreams Only Come True for Some

Cases Considered: Hilstad Estate, 2008 ABQB 570 PDF Version: A Windfall Inheritance from a Distant Relative: Daydreams Only Come True for Some Who hasn’t daydreamed about inheriting a fortune from some distant and unheard of relative? I suppose one of … Continue reading

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Valuing the Value of Land, Not the Land: Affirming the Unavailability of Specific Performance of Agreements for the Purchase and Sale of Land

Cases Considered: 365733 Alberta Ltd. v. Tiberio, 2008 ABCA 341 PDF Version:  Valuing the Value of Land, Not the Land: Affirming the Unavailability of Specific Performance of Agreements for the Purchase and Sale of Land The Alberta Court of Appeal … Continue reading

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Is Proof of Irreparable Harm to the Plaintiff or Proof of Wilful Delay by the Defendant Required to Defeat an Application to Set Aside Default Judgment?

Cases Considered: Alberta v. Fjeld, 2008 ABQB 558 PDF Version: Is Proof of Irreparable Harm to the Plaintiff or Proof of Wilful Delay by the Defendant Required to Defeat an Application to Set Aside Default Judgment? Some debtors seem to … Continue reading

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Leisurely Pace, Standstill and Drop Dead: A Lawsuit’s Journey

Cases Considered: Hein v. Barrett, 2008 ABQB 548 PDF Version: Leisurely Pace, Standstill and Drop Dead: A Lawsuit’s Journey An application by a party for an extension of time is a very common application in a lawsuit. There is nothing … Continue reading

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