Author Archives: Jonnette Watson Hamilton

About Jonnette Watson Hamilton

B.A. (Alta.), LL.B. (Dal.), LL.M. (Col.). Professor Emerita. Please click here for more information.

Sub-Tenant Woes When a Head Lease Disappears

Cases Considered: 581834 Alberta Ltd. v. Alberta (Gaming and Liquor Commission), 2007 ABCA 332, 581834 Alberta Ltd. v. Alberta (Gaming and Liquor Commission), 2006 ABQB 47

PDF Version: Sub-Tenant Woes When a Head Lease Disappears

This case illustrates the dangers for lawyers and their clients in changing the wording used in lawyers’ old precedents. Instead of using the standard formula of “by, from, or under” in a landlord’s covenant of quiet enjoyment, the innovative phrasing of “by, through, or under” was inserted. This allowed the lawyers for the tenant to make the first part of their argument in this appeal. It is cases such as this one that stymie the plain language movement in law.

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