By: Nigel Bankes
PDF Version: Community Generation Projects in Alberta
Regulation and Decisions Commented On: Small Scale Generation Regulation, Alta Reg 194/2018 and five decisions of the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC): (1) AUC Decision 24857-D01-2020, Three Nations Energy GP Inc., Fort Chipewyan Solar Generation Facility (Phase 2), January 15, 2020; (2) AUC Decision 25236-D01-2020, Peavine Metis Settlement, 4.97-Megawatt Community Solar Power Plant, May 4, 2020; (3) AUC Decision 25459-D01-2020, Innisfail Solar Corporation, Innisfail Solar Project Time Extension and Community Generation Designation, May 21, 2020; (4) AUC Decision 24845-D04-2020, 2113260 Alberta Ltd., Community Generation Designation for Oyen Community Solar Project, June 17, 2020; and (5) AUC Decision 25471-D01-2020, 2181731 Alberta Ltd., Vulcan County Community Solar Project, June 25, 2020.
While the Kenney government declined to commit to new rounds of procurements to meet the target of 30% renewables by 2030 established by the Renewable Electricity Act, SA 2016, c R-16.5 (surprisingly, still in force), it has continued with a renewables incentive program provided for under the Small Scale Generation Regulation, Alta Reg 194/2018 (SSGR), including the concept of community generation projects designed to foster community sponsored renewables projects. This post examines the terms of that regulation as well as practice to date under the regulation.
The SSGR applies to three categories of small scale generation projects: (1) small scale projects (generally), (2) small scale community generation projects, and (3) small scale community generation projects that are located within an isolated community. The second and third categories are sub-sets of the first. None of these projects require any degree of self-supply in order to qualify as eligible projects.