Author Archives: Nigel Bankes

About Nigel Bankes

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

The End of Economic Withholding in Alberta’s Electricity Market?

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The End of Economic Withholding in Alberta’s Electricity Market? Matter Commented On: Market Surveillance Administrator, Notice to Participants and Stakeholders Re: Consultation re Revocation of Offer Behaviour Enforcement Guidelines, March 17, 2017 On March 17, 2017 … Continue reading

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Reasons, Respect and Reconciliation

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Reasons, Respect and Reconciliation Case Commented On: Kainaiwa/Blood Tribe v Alberta (Energy), 2017 ABQB 107 (CanLII) Reconciliation between Canada’s settler society and First Nations and other indigenous communities certainly requires mutual respect but it should also … Continue reading

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Independent Operations, Holdings and Common Ownership: A Letter Decision of the Alberta Energy Regulator

By: Nigel Bankes and Heather Lilles PDF Version: Independent Operations, Holdings and Common Ownership: A Letter Decision of the Alberta Energy Regulator Decision Commented On: AER, Request for Regulatory Appeal by Westbrick Energy Ltd., Regulatory Appeal No. 1852713, 25 May 2016 … Continue reading

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The Relationship Between Declarations Under the Optional Clause of the Statute of the International Court of Justice and Part XV of the Law of the Sea Convention

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Relationship Between Declarations Under the Optional Clause of the Statute of the International Court of Justice and Part XV of the Law of the Sea Convention Case Commented On: Maritime Delimitation in the Indian Ocean … Continue reading

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Announcing a New Resource for the Letter Decisions of the Alberta Energy Regulator

By: Nigel Bankes, Amy Matychuk, and David Rennie PDF Version: Announcing a New Resource for the Letter Decisions of the Alberta Energy Regulator Decisions Commented On: The Participatory/Procedural Decisions of the AER Several years ago now, ABlawg published a series of … Continue reading

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