Author Archives: Nigel Bankes

About Nigel Bankes

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

The Annex VII Tribunal in The “Enrica Lexie” Incident Makes New Provisional Measures Order

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Annex VII Tribunal in The “Enrica Lexie” Incident Makes New Provisional Measures Order Decision commented on: Annex VII Arbitral Tribunal, Order on Prescription of Provisional Measures in the “Enrica Lexie” Incident, Registry of the Permanent … Continue reading

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Expiration of Confidentiality also gives Boards the Liberty to Copy and Distribute

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Expiration of Confidentiality also gives Boards the Liberty to Copy and Distribute Case Commented On: Geophysical Services Incorporated v Encana Corporation, 2016 ABQB 230 This decision involves rights to seismic data. Under Canadian law (and … Continue reading

Posted in Intellectual Property, Oil & Gas, Property, Statutory Interpretation | Comments Off on Expiration of Confidentiality also gives Boards the Liberty to Copy and Distribute

The Termination of Power Purchase Arrangements in Alberta: What is the Legal Position and What are the Implications of Termination?

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Termination of Power Purchase Arrangements in Alberta: What is the Legal Position and What are the Implications of Termination? Case Commented On: The decisions of various buyers to “terminate” their interests in power purchase … Continue reading

Posted in Energy | 2 Comments

Court Confirms that the AUC Can Take the Lead in Examining the Scope of the ISO’s Reporting Obligations

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Court Confirms that the AUC Can Take the Lead in Examining the Scope of the ISO’s Reporting Obligations Case Commented On: Independent Power Producers’ Society of Alberta v Independent System Operator (Alberta Electric System Operator), … Continue reading

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The Regulation of the Construction and Operation of Electric Distribution Systems in Alberta

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: The Regulation of the Construction and Operation of Electric Distribution Systems in Alberta Decision Commented On: AUC Decision 20799-D01-2016, Finlay Group, Complaint Regarding FortisAlberta Inc, Distribution Line Rebuild Project, February 3, 2016 This decision of … Continue reading

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