Author Archives: Nigel Bankes

About Nigel Bankes

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

The Continuing Fall-out from Stores Block: Guidance from the Alberta Utilities Commission on Utility Asset Disposition

PDF Version: The Continuing Fall-out from Stores Block: Guidance from the Alberta Utilities Commission on Utility Asset Disposition Decision commented on: Alberta Utilities Commission, Utility Asset Disposition, Decision 2013-417, November 26, 2013 In ATCO Gas & Pipelines Ltd. v Alberta … Continue reading

Posted in Energy | 1 Comment

Limitations Issues in Oil and Gas Royalty Litigation

PDF Version: Limitations Issues in Oil and Gas Royalty Litigation Case commented on: Canadian Natural Resources Limited v Jensen Resources Ltd., 2013 ABCA 399 This case involves a geologist’s gross overriding royalty (GORR). The principal issue at trial (see earlier … Continue reading

Posted in Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Judgment Handed Down in a Complex Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease Case

PDF Version: Judgment Handed Down in a Complex Petroleum and Natural Gas Lease Case Case commented on: Stewart Estate v TAQA North Ltd, 2013 ABQB 691 This lengthy (121 page plus appendices) and well-reasoned decision will be essential reading for … Continue reading

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Canada Ratifies ICSID and Alberta Introduces the Necessary Implementing Legislation

PDF Version: Canada Ratifies ICSID and Alberta Introduces the Necessary Implementing Legislation Matters commented on: Canada’s ratification of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (the Washington or ICSID Convention) and Bill … Continue reading

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Cancellation of a Nova Scotia Exploration License for Failure to Tender a Work Deposit

PDF Version: Cancellation of a Nova Scotia Exploration License for Failure to Tender a Work Deposit Case commented on: Shin Fan F & P Inc v Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, 2013 NSSC 341 In this straightforward decision Justice Gregory … Continue reading

Posted in Oil & Gas | 2 Comments