PDF version: Natural gas storage rights in Ontario: questions of jurisdiction and interpretation
Cases Commented On: Tribute Resources v 2195002 Ontario Inc, 2012 ONSC 25 (on the jurisdictional issue) and 2195002 Ontario Inc v Tribute Resources Inc, 2012 ONSC 5412 (on the interpretation issues)
These two decisions represent one example of the efforts of Ontario landowners who claim ownership of natural gas storage rights by virtue of owning the rights to petroleum and natural gas to assert those rights against working interest owners who claim to have acquired storage rights by various old instruments including petroleum and natural gas leases, unitization arrangements, and, in some cases, specific gas storage leases. The cases are part of a broader litigation strategy in which storage owners are trying to negotiate more favourable economic terms that afford them the right to participate in the value that the storage represents to Ontario utilities and generators.