Author Archives: Nigel Bankes

About Nigel Bankes

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

Building energy empires on (legal) foundations of sand, or, can I have my cake and eat it too?

PDF version: Building energy empires on (legal) foundations of sand, or, can I have my cake and eat it too? Case commented on: Remington Development Corporation v Enmax Power Corporation, 2011 ABQB 694, aff’d 2012 ABCA 196. Most people would … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Property | 2 Comments

When is a registered joint tenancy not a joint tenancy and not even co-ownership?

PDF version: When is a registered joint tenancy not a joint tenancy and not even co-ownership? Cases Considered: Lutz v Lutz, 2012 ABQB 300; Lemoine v Smashnuk, 2008 ABQB 193 On a statutory application to terminate co-ownership under Part 3 of … Continue reading

Posted in Property | 2 Comments

Dower Consent Teasers

Case considered: Karafiat v Webb, 2012 ABCA 115 and Webb (Re), 2011 ABQB 89. PDF: Dower Consent Teasers This case shows that the Dower Act, RSA 2000, c D-15 can still throw up intellectual teasers 55 years after this version … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Property | 2 Comments

More Grist for the Mill, Another Case of Gross Negligence under CAPL 1990

PDF version: More grist for the mill, another case of gross negligence under CAPL 1990 Case commented on: Trident Exploration Corp. (Re), 2012 ABQB 242 An operator under a pooling agreement who agrees to take charge of responding to a … Continue reading

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Competing Uses of Geological Space: Resolving Conflicts Between Production and Natural Gas Storage

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Competing Uses of Geological Space: Resolving Conflicts Between Production and Natural Gas Storage  Decision Commented On: Kallisto Energy Corp. Application for a Well Licence Crossfield East Field, 2012 ABERCB 005, February 24, 2012 This decision … Continue reading

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