By: Nigel Bankes & Trevor Ference
PDF version: ERCB Decision on an Acid Gas Disposal Scheme: Further Lessons for the Regulation of Carbon Capture and Storage Schemes
Case Commented On: Re: AltaGas Ltd, Applications for Two Pipeline Licences, An Amendment to a Facility Licence, and Approval for an Acid Gas Disposition Scheme, Pouce Coupe Field, ERCB Decision 2009-073
During the fall of 2009 the province of Alberta signed letters of intent for funding with four proponents for carbon capture and storage schemes (CCS): (1) Swan Hills Synfuel for an in situ goal gasification and enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project, (2) Enhance Energy and Northwest Upgrading for a CO2 trunkline, (3) Shell for the Quest project and (4) TransAlta for Project Pioneer. As these proponents move to implement their projects we will start to see how the existing and proposed regulatory scheme accommodates CCS projects. There are perhaps four types of legal and regulatory issues that project proponents face in relation to the storage elements of any project: (1) property issues (e.g. pore space ownership); (2) regulatory issues (Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) approvals); (3) liability issues (will long term liability for storage sites transfer to the province?), and (4) crediting issues (how will CCS projects be treated within the context of Alberta’s Specified Gas Emitters Regulation, Alta. Reg. 139/2007; will CCS projects create emission performance credits or offset credits?). The Carbon Capture and Storage Development Council (Accelerating Carbon Capture and Storage Implementation in Alberta, Final Report, March 2009) has urged the province to provide guidance and regulatory certainty on these issues but, by and large, the province has yet to act.
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