Author Archives: Nigel Bankes

About Nigel Bankes

Nigel Bankes is emeritus professor of law at the University of Calgary. Prior to his retirement in June 2021 Nigel held the chair in natural resources law in the Faculty of Law.

The relationship between the well licence jurisdiction of the Energy Resources Conservation Board and the jurisdiction of the Surface Rights Board

Cases Considered: EnCana Corporation v. Campbell, [2008] ABQB 234 PDF Version: The relationship between the well licence jurisdiction of the Energy Resources Conservation Board and the jurisdiction of the Surface Rights Board Justice Crighton’s decision in EnCana v. Campbell suggests … Continue reading

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The Federal Government’s Climate Change Policy and the Role of Carbon Capture and Storage

PDF Version: The Federal Government’s Climate Change Policy and the Role of Carbon Capture and Storage In April 2007 the federal government introduced a new greenhouse gas policy, Regulatory Framework for Air Emissions. On March 10, 2008, it tabled a … Continue reading

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Calculating the Price of Gas: Wet or Dry?

Cases Considered: Cargill Gas Marketing Ltd. v. Alberta Northeast Gas Limited, 2008 ABQB 59 PDF Version: Calculating the Price of Gas: Wet or Dry? When gas is sold on the basis of its thermal or heating value it is necessary … Continue reading

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Environmental Permitting and the Scope of the Duty to Consult

Cases Considered: Siksika First Nation v. Alberta (Director Southern Region Environment) 2007 ABCA 402 PDF Version: Environmental Permitting and the Scope of the Duty to Consult The Town of Strathmore faced a sewage problem. It proposed to deal with that … Continue reading

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What Zones Were the Subject of a Unitization Agreement?

Case Considered: Signalta Resources Limited v. Dominion Exploration Canada Limited, 2007 ABQB 636 Keywords: oil and gas law, expert witnesses, unit agreements, limitations, damages PDF Version: What Zones Were the Subject of a Unitization Agreement? The question of what substances … Continue reading

Posted in Natural Resources, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment