Author Archives: Andrew Barbero

About Andrew Barbero

Andrew Barbero, J.D. (Calgary) is a recent call to the Alberta Bar and practices with the Law Department of the City of Calgary as a municipal prosecutor. He has previously published in the fields of Natural Resources and Tax Assessment law.

R v Booyink: A Non-Stop Charter(ed) Flight to Protest in Canadian Airports?

PDF Version: R v Booyink: A Non-Stop Charter(ed) Flight to Protest in Canadian Airports?

Case commented on: R v Booyink, 2013 ABPC 185

If the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (“CCBR”) hasn’t yet made an appearance in your town, city or neighbourhood, chances are they soon will.  The CCBR is an educational, pro-life activist organization devoted to the stated objective of making Canada abortion-free.  Its goals are to expose as many Canadians as possible to images of, and to engage directly in conversations about, abortion.  The CCBR sees its messaging as educational in nature which might include any of the following strategies:

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