Author Archives: Admin

Commemorating the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

Matter Commented on: National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women PDF Version: Commemorating the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women … Continue reading

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Can We Keep the Horses in the Barn? Investigation Report on Alberta Environment’s Destruction of Records after the 2015 Provincial Election

By: Linda McKay-Panos PDF Version: Can We Keep the Horses in the Barn? Investigation Report on Alberta Environment’s Destruction of Records after the 2015 Provincial Election Report Commented On: Information and Privacy Commissioner, Public Interest Commissioner, Investigation Report on Alleged … Continue reading

Posted in Property | 2 Comments

Supreme Court of Canada Hears Appeal in Alberta Infanticide Case

Case Commented On: R v MB, 2015 ABCA 232, appeal as of right (SCC) Today the Supreme Court of Canada is hearing the appeal in R v MB, 2015 ABCA 232, concerning the proper interpretation of infanticide in section 233 … Continue reading

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Faculty Favourites: Celebrating a Supreme Court of Canada Anniversary

PDF Version: Faculty Favourites: Celebrating a Supreme Court of Canada Anniversary Editor’s Note 2016 is the 140th anniversary of the year that the Supreme Court of Canada began hearing cases. Our colleagues at the Bennett Jones Law Library are marking … Continue reading

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ABlawg Scores in 2015 Clawbies

ABlawg is honoured to announce that we were selected for the Best Canadian Law School/Law Professor Blog Award and as runner up for the Fodden Award for Best Canadian Law Blog for 2015. Here’s what the Clawbie judges had to … Continue reading

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