Author Archives: Alice Woolley

About Alice Woolley

LL.M. (Yale), LL.B. (Toronto), B.A. (Toronto). Professor. Member of the Alberta Bar. Please click here for more information.

The Legality of Legal Advising

PDF version: The Legality of Legal Advising Matter considered: Edgar Schmidt v Canada (AG) Federal Court File #T-2225-12. Introduction On December 13, 2012 Edgar Schmidt, a Department of Justice lawyer, filed a Statement of Claim in Federal Court naming the federal … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession | 4 Comments

Getting Foreclosure Practice Right: Some Regulatory Suggestions

PDF version: Getting Foreclosure Practice Right: Some Regulatory Suggestions Case commented on: AGF Trust Company v Soos, 2012 ABQB 747. AGF Trust Company v Soos is a decision by Master Lorne Smart, reviewing a Bill of Costs in a standard … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Procedure: New Rules of Court, Ethics and the Legal Profession | 1 Comment

The Top Ten Canadian Legal Ethics Stories – 2012

PDF version: The Top Ten Canadian Legal Ethics Stories – 2012 At the blog Legal Ethics Forum John Steele recently published a list of the top ten legal ethics stories in America in 2012 (here). With contributions from Adam Dodek … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession | Comments Off on The Top Ten Canadian Legal Ethics Stories – 2012

The immorality (and morality) of morality-based judging

PDF version: The immorality (and morality) of morality-based judging Case commented on: R v Zentner, 2012 ABCA 332 Introduction  On November 22, 2012, in its decision in R v Zentner, 2012 ABCA 332, the Alberta Court of Appeal reversed the … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession | 2 Comments

In Memoriam: The Law Society of Alberta Code of Professional Conduct, 1995-2011 (1995 Code)

PDF version: In Memoriam: The Law Society of Alberta Code of Professional Conduct, 1995-2011 (1995 Code) Comment on: The new Law Society of Alberta Code of Conduct. In the fall of 2011 the Law Society of Alberta implemented a new … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession, Legal Education | 2 Comments