Author Archives: Alice Woolley

About Alice Woolley

LL.M. (Yale), LL.B. (Toronto), B.A. (Toronto). Professor. Member of the Alberta Bar. Please click here for more information.

Conflicts of Interest and Good Judgment

PDF version: Conflicts of Interest and Good Judgment Case considered: Dow Chemical Canada Inc. v Nova Chemicals Corporation, 2011 ABQB 509 Previously on ABlawg I have suggested that outcomes in conflicts cases turn more on a judge’s overall impression of … Continue reading

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Unauthorized practice and access to justice

PDF version: Unauthorized practice and access to justice  Case considered: Lameman v Alberta, 2011 ABQB 396 The Beaver Lake Cree Nation have commenced an action against the federal and provincial Crowns claiming that their treaty rights have been infringed by … Continue reading

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Pleading Fairly

PDF version: Pleading Fairly  Case considered: R. v. Nixon, 2011 SCC 34 Introduction In its June 3, 2011 Throne Speech, the Canadian government announced its plan to introduce an omnibus crime bill. Based on the limited information provided in the … Continue reading

Posted in Criminal, Ethics and the Legal Profession | 1 Comment

Confidentiality and Context: Lawyers’ obligations of confidentiality and loyalty when acting in both lawyer and non-lawyer roles for a client

PDF version: Confidentiality and Context: Lawyers’ obligations of confidentiality and loyalty when acting in both lawyer and non-lawyer roles for a client  Case considered: Kent v. Martin, 2011 ABQB 298 Lawyers owe clients a duty of confidentiality, and also a … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession | 1 Comment

The Practice (not theory) of Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

PDF version: The Practice (not theory) of Avoiding Conflicts of Interest Cases commented on: Novotny v. LePan, 2011 ABQB 205, R. v. Lewis, 2011 ABQB 227 As I have written about previously on this blog (e.g., here), the question of … Continue reading

Posted in Ethics and the Legal Profession | 1 Comment