Author Archives: Alice Woolley

About Alice Woolley

LL.M. (Yale), LL.B. (Toronto), B.A. (Toronto). Professor. Member of the Alberta Bar. Please click here for more information.

Advocacy and Independence

PDF version: Advocacy and Independence  Case considered: Goold v. Alberta (Child and Youth Advocate), 2011 ABCA 63 Linda Goold was a lawyer on the roster of lawyers eligible to represent children through the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate. … Continue reading

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The Continued Complexity of Administrative Law post-Dunsmuir

PDF version:The Continued Complexity of Administrative Law post-Dunsmuir  Cases considered: Mitzel v. Alberta (Law Enforcement Review Board), 2010 ABCA 336; Calgary (City) v. Alberta (Municipal Government Board), 2010 ABQB 719 The Supreme Court’s judgment in Dunsmuir v. New Brunswick, 2008 … Continue reading

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Public Rights Trump Private Privilege

PDF version: Public Rights Trump Private Privilege   Case considered: J.O. v. Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School, 2010 ABQB 559 In December 2006 the Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School expelled J.O. based on allegations that she had been seen having sex with her boyfriend in the women’s … Continue reading

Posted in Administrative Law | 4 Comments

The True Bright Line Conflicts Rule

PDF version: The True Bright Line Conflicts Rule Case considered: Kovac v. Opus Building Corp., 2010 ABQB 366 That a “lawyer must not represent opposing parties to a dispute” (Alberta Code of Professional Conduct, Ch. 6, Rule 1) may be … Continue reading

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Lawyer, Not Intervenor

Case considered: R. v. B.P., 2010 ABQB 204 PDF version: Lawyer, Not Intervenor In R. v. B.P., 2010 ABQB 204, Madam Justice Strekaf denied intervenor status to the former lawyer for the appellant accused. The accused had entered a plea … Continue reading

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