Author Archives: Jennifer Koshan

About Jennifer Koshan

B.Sc., LL.B (Calgary), LL.M. (British Columbia). Professor. Member of the Alberta Bar. Please click here for more information.

The Repeal of the Long Gun Registry: A Violation of the Federal Government’s Obligations Concerning Violence Against Women?

By: Jennifer Koshan

PDF Version: The Repeal of the Long Gun Registry: A Violation of the Federal Government’s Obligations Concerning Violence Against Women?

Legislation considered: Bill C-19, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Firearms Act (“Ending the Long-gun Registry Act”), 41st Parliament, 1st Session

December 6, 2011 was the National Day of Remembrance for Violence Against Women, which marked the 22nd anniversary of the Montreal Massacre. The Globe and Mail‘s Jane Taber indicated that “government MPs [were] purposely shut out from officially speaking at and attending an event on Parliament Hill to honour the 14 young women who were shot dead in 1989,” because the government is about to repeal the long gun registry (see Bill C-19). The Montreal Massacre was one of the pressure points for the registry, as was the use of firearms in crimes of domestic violence. When the Alberta government challenged the constitutionality of the registry, which was implemented via the Firearms Act, SC 1995, ch 39, as an amendment to the Criminal Code, the Supreme Court found that it was properly enacted under the federal government’s criminal law powers (see Reference re Firearms Act (Can.), 2000 SCC 31, [2000] 1 SCR 783 at paras 43, 59). The enactment of the law creating the registry was constitutional; but is its repeal unlawful? I think an argument can be made that the federal government’s abolishment of the long gun registry is unconstitutional on Charter grounds, as well as contrary to international law.

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Should They Stay or Should They Go? Occupy, The City and the Charter

PDF version: Should They Stay or Should They Go? Occupy, The City and the Charter

I’ve been to Zuccotti Park in New York City, the base camp of Occupy Wall Street, a few times this fall. The first time was in early October, the day before Mayor Michael Bloomberg told the protestors they had to de-occupy the park for a day to allow a clean-up. The de-occupation was resisted and never happened; the occupiers are still there, sometimes under tarps and in tents. Bloomberg and the City started out as relatively supportive of the occupation, but that support has waned over time with complaints from some nearby residents and business owners about the noise emanating from the Park, as well as concerns about unsanitary conditions, drug use, and assaults (Cara Buckley and Colin Moynihan, “Occupy Wall Street Protest Reaches a Crossroads“, New York Times, Nov. 4, 2011). Similar waning of support is occurring in Canadian cities. Vancouver has now brought an application for a court order that Occupy Vancouver take down their tents from the space in front of the Art Gallery after a 23 year old woman was found dead in her tent, the second apparent drug overdose in a week (Rod Mickleburgh, “Vancouver’s bid to end Occupy protest encampment stalls in court“, Globe and Mail, Nov. 9, 2011). In Calgary, City Council voted on November 7 to order the removal of Occupy Calgary tents from Olympic Plaza (CBC News, “City to remove Occupy Calgary tents in Olympic Plaza“, Nov. 7, 2011). What does the law say about all of this, and in particular, is the Globe and Mail’s recent editorial correct that “There is no constitutional right to Occupy“?

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State Responsibility for Protection against Domestic Violence: The Case of Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales)

PDF version: State Responsibility for Protection against Domestic Violence: The Case of Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales) 

Case considered: Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales) et al v United States, Case 12.626, Report No. 80/11 (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, August 17, 2011)

On August 17, 2011, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) released its merits report in the case of Jessica Lenahan (Gonzales) and the United States. The case concerns states’ positive obligations to use due diligence in responding to situations of domestic violence, and is the first such case involving the U.S. to be considered by the IACHR. In what many are calling a landmark decision, the IACHR found that the United States had breached several Articles of the American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man in relation to its obligations to Lenahan and her children. This post will summarize the IACHR decision and analyze the implications of the case in Canada, particularly in provinces such as Alberta which have civil domestic violence legislation.

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Leave to Appeal Granted in Street Preacher Case

PDF version: Leave to Appeal Granted in Street Preacher Case 

Case considered: R v Pawlowski, 2011 ABCA 267

On September 27, 2011, Justice Patricia Rowbotham of the Alberta Court of Appeal granted Artur Pawlowski leave to appeal certain elements of the decision in R v Pawlowski , 2011 ABQB 93 (per Justice R.J. Hall). (For a description of the facts, the laws that are being constitutionally challenged by Pawlowski, and the decision appealed from see here). Pawlowski’s challenges to City of Calgary bylaws restricting his street preaching activities were largely successful at the Alberta Provincial Court level (see R v Pawlowski, 2009 ABPC 62 and here), but he lost some ground in the City’s summary conviction appeal to the Court of Queen’s Bench. Pawlowski sought leave to appeal (1) the Queen’s Bench decision granting an extension to the City of Calgary to serve its Notice of Appeal on Pawlowski, and (2) his conviction under section 21 of the City’s Parks and Pathways Bylaw, 20M2003 (using an amplification system in a park), arguing that Justice Hall made several errors in his decision. It appears the City has not sought leave to cross-appeal Justice Hall’s holding that section 17(1)(a) of its Street Bylaw (placing material on a street) violated Pawlowski’s section 7 Charter rights because it was vague and overbroad. This post will review Justice Rowbotham’s decision to grant leave, and consider the issues for appeal in light of the Supreme Court of Canada’s recent judgment in Canada (Attorney General) v PHS Community Services Society, 2011 SCC 44, released on September 30, 2011.

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The Full Implications of Demonstrable Integration: A Roundtable Discussion on West Moberley

PDF version: The Full Implications of Demonstrable Integration: A Roundtable Discussion on West Moberley

Case considered: West Moberly First Nations v. British Columbia, 2011 BCCA 247

Summer at the law school provides faculty members with the opportunity to get on with some research and writing and, in particular, the larger projects that there isn’t the opportunity to tackle during the teaching terms. Law school is also a quieter place at this time with fewer LLB/ JD students around. But there is always a good number of summer students – some employed by Student Legal Assistance (SLA) for clinical duties and others employed by faculty members, the Alberta Law Reform Institute, the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre and Canadian Institute of Resources Law on various research projects. One of the other things that we try and do over the summer to enrich the research environment for summer students, graduate students and faculty members alike is to hold a number of roundtable discussions on recent important judicial decisions. Last year, for example, we had a discussion of Supreme Court of Canada freedom of expression decisions (R. v. National Post, 2010 SCC 16; Toronto Star v. Canada, 2010 SCC 21; Ontario (Public Safety and Security) v. Criminal Lawyers’ Association, 2010 SCC 23) and a discussion of the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on Kosovo. Our first roundtable discussion this year focused on the British Columbia Court of Appeal’s decision in West Moberly First Nations v. British Columbia, 2011 BCCA 247, a recent Treaty 8 consultation case which also deals with a SARA (Species at Risk Act, SC 2002, c 29) listed species (woodland caribou). The Attorney General of Alberta appeared as an intervenor on the appeal, undoubtedly because much of northern Alberta is covered by Treaty 8.

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