Author Archives: Jonnette Watson Hamilton

About Jonnette Watson Hamilton

B.A. (Alta.), LL.B. (Dal.), LL.M. (Col.). Professor Emerita. Please click here for more information.

Section 6 of the Federal Interest Act is Obsolete

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: Section 6 of the Federal Interest Act is Obsolete Case Commented On: David v Premiere Canadian Mortgage Corporation, 2015 ABQB 505 (CanLII) In this decision, Justice Robert A. Graesser makes an interesting policy argument … Continue reading

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“Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams”

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: “Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams” Case Commented On: Hood v Skauge, 2015 ABQB 476 (CanLII) Those who are old enough to remember — and who liked — the 1984-1995 TV show, “Lifestyles of the … Continue reading

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Sources of Superior Courts’ Jurisdiction to Declare Litigants to be Vexatious

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: Sources of Superior Courts’ Jurisdiction to Declare Litigants to be Vexatious Case Commented On: Sikora Estate (Re), 2015 ABQB 467 (CanLII) This decision indirectly raises a question about the jurisdiction of Alberta’s Court of … Continue reading

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Expensive, Complex Appeals from Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service Orders

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton      PDF Version: Expensive, Complex Appeals from Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service Orders Case Commented On: Nee v Ayre & Oxford Inc, 2015 ABQB 402 (CanLII) The decision by Justice Donald Lee in Nee v Ayre & … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Landlord/Tenant, Property | 5 Comments

A Trap for the Unwary: Assuming High Ratio Mortgages

By: Jonnette Watson Hamilton PDF Version: A Trap for the Unwary: Assuming High Ratio Mortgages Case Commented On: CIBC Mortgages Inc v Abdallah, 2015 ABQB 363 (CanLII); Bank of Montreal v Hoehn, 2010 ABQB 405 (CanLII) Five years ago, in … Continue reading

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