Author Archives: Jonnette Watson Hamilton

About Jonnette Watson Hamilton

B.A. (Alta.), LL.B. (Dal.), LL.M. (Col.). Professor Emerita. Please click here for more information.

The Guarantees Acknowledgement Act and Equity

Cases Considered: Bharwani v. Chengkalath, 2008 ABCA 148 PDF Version: The Guarantees Acknowledgement Act and Equity Sometimes it becomes apparent when reading a decision that the court would have preferred to reach a different result. Usually this is because the … Continue reading

Posted in Property | 3 Comments

International Commercial Arbitration: Too Costly Private Justice?

Cases Considered: Resin Systems Inc. v. Industrial Service & Machine Inc., 2008 ABCA 104 PDF Version: International Commercial Arbitration: Too Costly Private Justice? The Court of Appeal’s Memorandum of Judgment in Resin Systems Inc. v. Industrial Service & Machine Inc. … Continue reading

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Andriet v. County of Strathcona No. 20: Court of Appeal Conjures a Creative Accretion Approach

Cases Considered: Andriet v. County of Strathcona No. 20, 2008 ABCA 27 PDF Version: Andriet v. County of Strathcona No. 20: Court of Appeal Conjures a Creative Accretion Approach In this important reserved judgment, the Alberta Court of Appeal applied … Continue reading

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The Shotgun Approach to Judicial Review

Cases Considered: Weir v. Canada (Registrar of Firearms), 2008 ABPC 18, Woodcock v. Canada (Registrar of Firearms), 2008 ABPC 19 PDF Version: The Shotgun Approach to Judicial Review These two almost identical judgments of Provincial Court Judge Bruce R. Fraser … Continue reading

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The Doctrine of Part Performance: Still Strict After All These Years

Cases Considered: Varma v. Donaldson, 2008 ABQB 106 PDF Version: The Doctrine of Part Performance: Still Strict After All These Years This was an application under section 141 of the Land Titles Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. L-4 for the discharge … Continue reading

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