Author Archives: Linda McKay-Panos

About Linda McKay-Panos

Linda McKay-Panos is the Executive Director of the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre. She taught Language Arts and Social Studies with the Calgary Board of Education for 7 years before returning to university to obtain a Law Degree. She practiced law for a time, before joining the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre in 1992 as a Research Associate. Linda is a sessional instructor in the Faculties of Communication and Culture and Law at the University of Calgary. Linda received her Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Laws and Master of Laws degrees from the University of Calgary. Linda is the President of the Alberta Association for Multicultural Education and the Past President of the Public Legal Education Network of Alberta. Linda is the author of several publications dealing with civil liberties, access to information, human rights, discrimination, equality and related topics. Linda received the 2001 Suzanne Mah Award and an Alberta Centennial Medal in 2005 for her work in human rights in Alberta.

“Amended Amended Redacted Document” Ordered Released to the Press and Public Fifteen Days after Judgment

 PDF version: “Amended Amended Redacted Document” Ordered Released to the Press and Public Fifteen Days after Judgment Case considered: Globe & Mail v Alberta, 2011 ABQB 363 (“Globe and Mail“) When the police want to obtain a search warrant, they … Continue reading

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For the Second Time, Federal Court of Canada Judge Sends Mandatory Retirement Case Back to Canadian Human Rights Tribunal

PDF version: For the Second Time, Federal Court of Canada Judge Sends Mandatory Retirement Case Back to Canadian Human Rights Tribunal  Case considered: Air Canada Pilots Association v Kelly and Vilven, 2011 FC 120 (“Vilven and Kelly #2“) Recently Justice … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Labour/Employment | 1 Comment

Issue of “Employment” in Human Rights Cases Arises Yet Again

PDF version: Issue of “Employment” in Human Rights Cases Arises Yet Again  Case commented on: 375850 Alberta Ltd. v Noel, 2011 ABQB 218 Recently, in the decision of Lockerbie & Hole Industrial Inc. v Alberta (Human Rights and Citizenship, Director), … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Labour/Employment | 3 Comments

Leon’s Furniture and Privacy: When is it Unreasonable to be Reasonable?

PDF version: Leon’s Furniture and Privacy: When is it Unreasonable to be Reasonable?  Case considered: Leon’s Furniture Limited v Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2011 ABCA 94 This significant privacy case illustrates some of the difficulties courts (and many lawyers … Continue reading

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Access to Justice and Human Rights Cases

PDF version: Access to Justice and Human Rights Cases  Case Considered: McClary v Geophysical Services Inc., 2011 ABQB 112 Not being able to afford legal representation occurs quite frequently in civil and criminal legal cases. Some individuals choose to self-represent-either … Continue reading

Posted in Access to Justice, Administrative Law, Human Rights | 2 Comments