Author Archives: Martin Olszynski

About Martin Olszynski

B.Sc. in Biology (Saskatchewan), LL.B. (Saskatchewan), LL.M. Specialization in Environmental Law (University of California at Berkeley). Assistant Professor. Please click here for more information.

5 Things I learned about Mike Duffy Canada’s New Fish Habitat Protection Laws

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: 5 Things I learned about Canada’s New Fish Habitat Protection Laws Case Commented On: Section 35 of the Fisheries Act, RSC 1985 c F-14, as amended by the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act, SC … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Fisheries Regulation | 1 Comment

Assessing Canada’s Habitat/Fisheries Protection Regime: A Near Total Abdication of Responsibility?

By: Martin Olszynski and Alex Grigg PDF Version: Assessing Canada’s Habitat/Fisheries Protection Regime: A Near Total Abdication of Responsibility? Legislation Commented On: Section 35 of the Fisheries Act, RSC 1985 c F-14, as amended by the Jobs, Growth and Long-term … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Fisheries Regulation | 4 Comments

Is the Federal Government Intent on Hurrying Along the ‘Sixth Extinction’?

By: Martin Olszynski PDF Version: Is the Federal Government Intent on Hurrying Along the ‘Sixth Extinction’? Legislation Commented On: Species At Risk Act, SC 2002 c 29 Sitting on a shelf in my office – unread since roughly this time … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental, Protection of Species | Comments Off on Is the Federal Government Intent on Hurrying Along the ‘Sixth Extinction’?

Environmental Laws as Decision-Making Processes (or, Why I am Grateful for Environmental Groups this Earth Day)

By: Martin Olszynski     PDF Version: Environmental Laws as Decision-Making Processes (or, Why I am Grateful for Environmental Groups this Earth Day)              Event commented on: Earth Day This past weekend, as part of the Canadian Institute for Resource Law’s “Saturday Morning at … Continue reading

Posted in Environmental | 2 Comments

May Provinces (or States) Limit Imports on the Basis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Elsewhere?

By: James Coleman & Martin Olszynski PDF Version: May Provinces (or States) Limit Imports on the Basis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Elsewhere? Report Commented On: Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission, The Way Forward Last week, a group of economists known as “Canada’s … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Constitutional | Comments Off on May Provinces (or States) Limit Imports on the Basis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Elsewhere?