PDF version: Deep rights, shallow rights and the interpretation of a purchase and sale agreement
Case commented on: Nexxtep Resources Ltd v Talisman Energy Inc, 2012 ABQB 62
The oil and gas industry splits petroleum and natural gas rights by substances to create severed estates in gas and petroleum but it also splits rights along the vertical axis into different formations. Split rights may be created along the vertical axis for several reasons. In some cases the Crown or other lessor initiates the severance in order to encourage exploration (e.g. deep and shallow rights reversions – explore non-producing horizons in your lease or lose them). In other cases rights will be severed as part of farmout agreements since farmors will be reluctant to allow the farmee to earn interests in formations that are deeper (and in some cases shallower) than those formations to which the test well is to be drilled. But these vertical splits cannot always be determined with accuracy and in some cases the Energy Resources Conservation (ERCB) may be asked to classify or reclassify whether a pool is part of deeper rights or shallower rights for the purposes of different conservation rules including, spacing rules, first well in the pool rules etc.: see Oil and Gas Conservation Act, RSA 2000, c O-6, s 33.