Author Archives: TUCFA


The Faculty Association of the University of Calgary (TUCFA) is the association of academic staff members at the University of Calgary. TUCFA is the exclusive bargaining agent for the members of the academic staff, and includes approximately 2000 members. For more information about TUCFA, see here.

Important Lessons from Lethbridge College

Cases Considered: Lethbridge College Board of Governors v. Lethbridge College Faculty, 2008 ABQB 316

PDF Version:  Important Lessons from Lethbridge College

A recent matter at Lethbridge College carries some important lessons. A psychology professor with 12 years of service was fired after the College discovered he had sexual relationships with three of his undergraduate students. In each case, the relationship had begun shortly after the students had taken his course, although the flirtation had begun during the term. Each of the relationships was consensual, two of the students were relatively close in age to the professor, and he had known two of the women prior to their becoming his students. These relationships were discovered by College administration when the third relationship ended unhappily and the student filed a complaint with the dean. In her complaint, she alleged that the professor had taken advantage of his position as her instructor to inveigle his way into her affections. Based on the complaint, the College searched the professor’s emails and discovered the previous two relationships. In both those cases, the (now former) students remained on friendly terms with the professor and had taken subsequent courses from the professor, without disclosure of the previous relationship either by the professor or the students.

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