Category Archives: Aboriginal

The Role of the “Noble Savage” in Environmental Social Activism

PDF version: The Role of the “Noble Savage” in Environmental Social Activism Context of discussion: Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project This blog is to discuss what I call the “The Role of the Noble Savage” in the pursuit of environmental … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Environmental, Oil & Gas | 1 Comment

Supreme Court Renders Leave to Appeal Decisions in Several Alberta Cases

PDF version: Supreme Court Renders Leave to Appeal Decisions in Several Alberta Cases Cases considered: R v Mack, 2012 ABCA 42, leave to appeal granted, April 11, 2013 (SCC); Métis Nation of Alberta Region 1 v Joint Review Panel, 2012 … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law, Civil Procedure, Criminal, Supreme Court of Canada | Comments Off on Supreme Court Renders Leave to Appeal Decisions in Several Alberta Cases

The Manitoba Métis Case and the Honour of the Crown

PDF version: The Manitoba Métis Case and the Honour of the Crown Case commented on: Manitoba Métis Federation Inc v Canada (Attorney General), 2013 SCC 14 In its historic decision on the constitutional rights of the Manitoba Métis, the majority of … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Constitutional, Property | 1 Comment

The right to trap in traditional territory: a case of competing normative orders?

PDF version: The right to trap in traditional territory: a case of competing normative orders? Decision commented on: Cooper and Boucher v Ganter and HMQA, 2012 ABQB 695. I don’t actually know if this is a case of competing normative orders … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal | Comments Off on The right to trap in traditional territory: a case of competing normative orders?

The death of free entry mining regimes in Canada?

PDF version: The death of free entry mining regimes in Canada? Decision commented on: Ross River Dena Council v Government of Yukon, 2012 YKCA 14. I (along with co-author Cheryl Sharvit) and others have long tried to make the case that … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Natural Resources | 5 Comments