Category Archives: Aboriginal

Open Court Principle: ABCA Agrees with Less than Full Disclosure in Some Circumstances

By: Jay Moch PDF Version: Open Court Principle: ABCA Agrees with Less than Full Disclosure in Some Circumstances Case Commented On: Aboriginal Peoples Television Network v Alberta (Attorney General), 2018 ABCA 133 (CanLII) (APTN) In 2011, Casey Armstrong was stabbed to … Continue reading

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Barring Claims Against Discriminatory Legislation: Canada v Canada

By: Elysa Darling and Drew Lafond PDF Version: Barring Claims Against Discriminatory Legislation: Canada v Canada Case Commented On: Canada (Canadian Human Rights Commission v Canada (Attorney General), 2018 SCC 31 (Can LII) Two weeks ago, in Canada (Canadian Human Rights … Continue reading

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Eighteen Years of Inmate Litigation Culminates with Some Success in the SCC’s Ewert v Canada

By: Amy Matychuk PDF Version: Eighteen Years of Inmate Litigation Culminates with Some Success in the SCC’s Ewert v Canada Case Commented On: Ewert v Canada, 2018 SCC 30 (CanLII) On June 13, 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) issued … Continue reading

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Duty to Consult in the Bigstone Pipeline Case: A Northern Gateway Sequel and TMX Prequel?

By: David. V Wright PDF Version: Duty to Consult in the Bigstone Pipeline Case: A Northern Gateway Sequel and TMX Prequel? Case commented on: Bigstone Cree Nation v. Nova Gas Transmission Ltd., 2018 FCA 89 While all eyes are on … Continue reading

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Columbia River Treaty Negotiations to Commence

By: Nigel Bankes PDF Version: Columbia River Treaty Negotiations to Commence Announcements commented on: (1) Global Affairs Canada, Canada and United States launch negotiations to renew Columbia River Treaty, May 22, 2018, (2)  US Department of State, Launching negotiations to … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Environmental | 1 Comment