Category Archives: Anti-SLAPP

Anti-SLAPP Legislation and Non-Justiciable Issues: A Consideration of Hansman v Neufeld and Todsen v Morse

By: Charlotte Dalwood

Cases Commented On: Hansman v Neufeld, 2021 BCCA 222 (CanLII); Todsen v Morse, 2022 BCSC 1341 (CanLII)

PDF Version: Anti-SLAPP Legislation and Non-Justiciable Issues: A Consideration of Hansman v Neufeld and Todsen v Morse

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court granted leave to appeal in the decision Hansman v Neufeld, 2021 BCCA 222 (CanLII) (Neufeld). The case concerns an application under the Protection of Public Participation Act, SBC 2019, c 3 (PPPA) to dismiss a defamation action as a “SLAPP”: a “Strategic Lawsuit against Public Participation”. Later this year, the British Columbia Supreme Court considered another application under the PPPA, likewise to dismiss a defamation action, in Todsen v Morse, 2022 BCSC 1341 (CanLII) (Todsen). Continue reading