Category Archives: Constitutional

“Arbitrary Disadvantage”: A Slip of the Pen or Something More?

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: “Arbitrary Disadvantage”: A Slip of the Pen or Something More? Case commented on:McCormick v Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, 2014 SCC 39 I have written several ABlawg posts on the test for discrimination under human rights … Continue reading

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Challenging the Farm Work Exclusions in the Employment Standards Code

By: Graham Martinelli and Andrew Lau PDF Version: Challenging the Farm Work Exclusions in the Employment Standards Code Legislation Commented On: Employment Standards Code, RSA 2000, c E-9 Editor’s Note This is the fourth and final post in the series … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Labour/Employment | 7 Comments

The Constitutionality of the Exclusion of Farm Industries under the Alberta Workers’ Compensation Act

By: Nelson Medeiros and Robin McIntyre PDF Version: The Constitutionality of the Exclusion of Farm Industries under the Alberta Workers’ Compensation Act Legislation Commented On: Workers’ Compensation Act, RSA 2000 c W-15 As part of the Constitutional Clinical Law class … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Labour/Employment | 1 Comment

A Vital Judgment: Upholding Transgendered Rights in Alberta

By: Jennifer Koshan PDF Version: A Vital Judgment: Upholding Transgendered Rights in Alberta Case commented on: C.F. v Alberta, 2014 ABQB 237 (CanLII) Alberta’s Director of Vital Statistics interpreted her home statute, the Vital Statistics Act (RSA 2000, c V-4 (Old … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Human Rights | 3 Comments

“The Feather and the Fiddle”: The Meaning of ‘Indian’ in s 91(24)

By: Geoff S. Costeloe PDF Version: “The Feather and the Fiddle”: The Meaning of ‘Indian’ in s 91(24) Cases commented on: Daniels v Canada, 2013 FC 6; Canada v Daniels, 2014 FCA 101. A decision by the Federal Court of … Continue reading

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