Category Archives: Constitutional

Independence of the Bar and the Prevention of Money-Laundering

PDF version: Independence of the Bar and the Prevention of Money-Laundering Case considered: Federation of Law Societies of Canada v Canada (Attorney General) 2013 BCCA 147. Introduction On April 4, 2013 the British Columbia Court of Appeal issued its decision … Continue reading

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The Harm of Hate Speech: Are Media Responses Knee Jerk, Impulsive and Thoughtless?

PDF version: The Harm of Hate Speech: Are Media Responses Knee Jerk, Impulsive and Thoughtless? Case commented on: Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission v Whatcott, 2013 SCC 11 (CanLii). It is difficult to find balanced or thoughtful responses from the media … Continue reading

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Under the Influence: The Alberta Court of Appeal and the Test for Discrimination

PDF version: Under the Influence: The Alberta Court of Appeal and the Test for Discrimination Cases commented on: Wright v College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (Appeals Committee), 2012 ABCA 267, leave to appeal denied, 2013 CanLII 15573 (SCC); … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Labour/Employment | 2 Comments

The Manitoba Métis Case and the Honour of the Crown

PDF version: The Manitoba Métis Case and the Honour of the Crown Case commented on: Manitoba Métis Federation Inc v Canada (Attorney General), 2013 SCC 14 In its historic decision on the constitutional rights of the Manitoba Métis, the majority of … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Constitutional, Property | 1 Comment

Selling Drug Paraphernalia a Pithy Criminal Substance

PDF version: Selling Drug Paraphernalia a Pithy Criminal Substance Case considered: Smith v St Albert (City), 2012 ABQB 780. In January, 2013, Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Terry Clackson ruled that a recent St. Albert bylaw that restricted the … Continue reading

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