Category Archives: Constitutional

Peter Lougheed’s Section 92A

PDF version: Peter Lougheed’s Section 92A Commenting on: the legacy of section 92A of the Constitution Act, 1982 “Exclusive” power of provincial legislatures to make laws for “exploration”; “development, conservation and management” of provincial non-renewable resources and forestry resources. Provinces … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Oil & Gas | 3 Comments

Peter Lougheed and the Constitution, Notwithstanding

PDF version: Peter Lougheed and the Constitution, Notwithstanding Commenting on: The legacy of section 33 of the Charter I am not a conservative, as anyone who knows me or reads Rate My Professor is already aware.  But notwithstanding my political … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Human Rights | 3 Comments

Fowl Play? A Look into Recent Canadian Reform Efforts for Backyard Chicken Legislation

By: Heather Beyko PDF Version: Fowl Play? A Look into Recent Canadian Reform Efforts for Backyard Chicken Legislation Case Commented On: R v Hughes, 2012 ABPC 250 The idea of local food sustainability is hard to argue with. Locally grown … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Municipal Law | 6 Comments

Who decides if the Crown has met its duty to consult and accommodate?

PDF version: Who decides if the Crown has met its duty to consult and accommodate? Decision commented on: Reasons for July 17, 2012 Decision on Notice of Question of Constitutional Law, Osum Oil Sands Corp., Taiga Project, August 24, 2012. … Continue reading

Posted in Aboriginal, Administrative Law, Constitutional, Natural Resources | 1 Comment

British Columbia and the Northern Gateway Pipeline

PDF version: British Columbia and the Northern Gateway Pipeline Document commented on: BC Outlines requirements for heavy oil pipeline projects, July 23, 2012. The proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline is proving to be extremely contentious on a number of fronts. It … Continue reading

Posted in Constitutional, Energy, Natural Resources, Oil & Gas | 18 Comments