Category Archives: Contracts

Damages for Mental Distress in Breach of Contract

PDF version: Damages for Mental Distress in Breach of Contract  Case considered: J.O. v. Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School, 2010 ABQB 559  In J.O. v. Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School, the court awarded the plaintiff damages for mental distress arising from breach of contract. The facts … Continue reading

Posted in Contracts | 1 Comment

A curious cocktail – the mixed application of the law of contracts and administrative law to universities

Cases Considered:  Rittenhouse-Carlson v. Portage College 2009 ABQB 342 PDF version:  A curious cocktail – the mixed application of the law of contracts and administrative law to universities Jane Rittenhouse-Carlson brought an action against Portage College alleging breach of contract and … Continue reading

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The perils of selling the same property twice (with an aside on styles of appellate decision-making)

Case considered: Castledowns Law Office Management Ltd. v. FastTrack Technologies Inc., 2009 ABCA 148 PDF version: The perils of selling the same property twice (with an aside on styles of appellate decision-making) This was a dispute between two purchasers of … Continue reading

Posted in Appellate Practice, Contracts, Property | 1 Comment

Terminating a Long Term Gas Sales Contract on Account of a Material Adverse Change: The Continuing Fallout from the Collapse of the Enron Empire

Cases Considered: Marathon Canada Ltd v. Enron Canada Ltd, 2008 ABQB 408; Marathon Canada Ltd v. Enron Canada Ltd, 2009 ABCA 31. PDF Version: Terminating a long term gas sales contract on account of a material adverse change: the continuing … Continue reading

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A Welcome Primer on Interpreting Covenants in Leases

Cases Considered: Orbus Pharma Inc. v. Kung Man Lee Properties Inc., 2008 ABQB 754. PDF Version:  A Welcome Primer on Interpreting Covenants in Leases This case is about the proper interpretation of a term in a commercial lease concerning the … Continue reading

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